Let me start this post with the fact that there are lovely, non-fireplace, homes; I just want a fireplace. When AOK and me started looking at houses I told him and our realtor that I "judge houses based on their fireplace." At first I was kidding, but once I got down to the nitty gritty of it, I really wasn't kidding. Hi, my name is Cameron and I am a fireplaceaholic.
Not sure what sparked this fireplace sensation in me? But let me tell you, a good fireplace can make me go weak in the knees and this is
All I can say when I look at it, is whoah.
Another view, and a glimpse at the rest of the living room, including the GORGEOUS & huge windows.
I haven't shared too many pictures of the house because I didn't want to impose on the previous owners' privacy. Their home is their home and I would never want to impose on something like that. I made a quick trip over there last week to let our insurance guy snap a few photos and I noticed they started doing a little packing. I took advantage of it and snapped a few photos of my own, but on my camera phone, hence the bad quality.
Any who, back to the fireplace. Isn't it unbelievable? I love it so much. It's honestly my favorite part of the house. When we were putting in an offer for the house one of the first things I told AOK was "OMG I cannot wait to decorate the mantel for Christmas." Of course he thought I was crazy, but he will understand in December & so will you!
What do you guys think? I already have some projects in the works for our "everyday" mantel decor. Can't wait to share!
The weddings were fabulous! Both brides looked so pretty & happy. Plus, I got some decor ideas! Which I would have taken inspiration photos of but my camera AND my phone died! Oh well, best of luck to both the *new* Kelly's and Williams'!!
Tomorrow I'll be introducing you guys to AOK's favorite part of the house. It makes me laugh every time I think about it.
Today, I'll leave you with something that AOK's mama told me yesterday and I just haven't been able to forget: "Always do the right thing & you'll never have anything to worry about." So simple but so inspiring.
Try extra hard to do the right thing today & always blogger friends!
Congrats on the new home, that fireplace is sweet. Don't worry, I was just telling my husband that I am excited to decorate for Christmas already! I'll definitely be back to see all your improvements and progress, keep up the good work.